Australia Photos 5
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Australia Photos 1

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Australia Photos 5 (extras)

Chronicles One

Chronicles Two

Chronicles Three

Photo2 Page


Just a few more good piccies. I know you love em.

  Chrissy and Lyz: Out on the Town Then, 5 months after my mum came to visit, my sister came over to attend the International Double Reed Society convention that just happened to be held at Monash. Bizarre, to say the least. Christina, a composer friend, met us at a pub for a few drinks on this evening. Alas, most of the pictures that I took while Lyz was here were on an analog (as opposed to digital) camera, so these pictures are the dregs. (No offense to Chrissy, of course.)

  Staring Contest We visited Sydney, Philip Island, and the 12 Apostles while she was here, but the only good photo I have is when we went to the Melbourne Aquarium. Here a massive fish attempts to control my sister with it's hypnotic gaze.

  The Composers Group Other than Chrissy, these are two other composers from Monash. We are a wonderfully tight group, even with Tom (pictured here) in Sweden for the next few months studying electronic composition. This photo was taken during a 'composers meeting', at which we generally sit around and drink quailty red wine rather than discussing composition. There are few better things in life than sitting up until 3 discussing the philosophy of music. Tom is the modernist/nihilist of the group, Brea the optimist. Chrissy is the independant variable of the composer equation, while I simply talk too much. Red wine, I tell ya.